Part Two (still in Bethany’s words)
DAY 5 (Thursday)
On Thursday we decided to see Mt. Katahdin- the highest point in Maine (at 5,629 feet) and the “end” of the Appalachian Trail (although if you ask me, I’d rather end in warm Georgia than mid-October in Maine… but that’s just me). Mt. Katahdin is located in Baxter State Park- around a two-hour drive from our cabin. We stopped along the way to see the sights- a beautiful dam, a rushing river, beautiful views of Katahdin, and of course the park itself. It was a LONG ride on unmarked gravel roads for most of it, but we did see our second (although, again, dead) moose on the way up. This part of Maine is the epitome of wilderness. On all of the maps and signs they warn you to take water, take snacks, and gas up your car before you start the journey- and they aren’t kidding! We barely saw a place to stop for a bathroom break for the full two hours! When we did stop it was at a tiny little gas station (selling gas for $4.75 a gallon!!!!!) filled with AT hikers finishing up their trek (and yes they did stink to high heavens!). We grabbed some pop tarts and peanut butter crackers and jumped back in the car.

We made it to the park and even though we were tired of driving (and I may have been more than a little cranky) the park was stunning. We took a quick little hike (aka nature walk) and we couldn’t believe our eyes when it led us out of the woods next to the lake and 180 degree view of the mountains. Gorgeous.
After eating snacks for meals all day, Aaron and I were starving when we headed back to Greenville but there wasn’t a restaurant in sight. We started praying then for any little hole-in-the-wall place we could find and somehow stumbled upon an OASIS! Okay, but seriously it was a resort-like lodge in the middle of nowhere! WITH a fancy restaurant attached! We were so thankful. We stopped for dinner, chatted with the bartender, had drinks and warm (real) food, enjoyed conversation with each other, AND used real bathrooms. It was glorious. We soaked up as much civilization as we could before heading back out on the road- headed for home.
Our wildlife friends on Day 5 consisted of more chipmunks than we could count (like the little fella below) and LIVE moose (finally!!!). Thankfully while we were headed back to the cabin (in the pitch dark) we passed a vehicle whose driver was kind enough to flash their lights at us to warn us of something ahead. We slowed down just in time to see a MASSIVE mama moose. She was eating some dinner on the left side of the road and as soon as we approached her she decided to cross in front of our Xterra! She was huge! We stopped in the road to get a photo of her and before long I was overcome with the realization that this animal could easily charge us if she wanted… and we would be in trouble. So we said our goodbyes and as we headed down the road I spotted a SECOND moose- a male this time- heading up the embankment beside the road. Wilderness I tell ya!
DAY 6 (Friday)
Friday was WARM! We bundled up to go kayaking and quickly realized that the sun was way warmer than the shade! So we shed our sweaters and Aaron even took a little dip (okay, okay so I may have pushed him in, but he let me!). We took a leisurely trip around the lake, spotted our first loon (we actually heard it first- hilarious), and soaked up the sun. So fun!
When we came back I decided to hang out and catch up my reading while Aaron changed into his bathing suit and explored the opposite side of the lake. My pioneering man! We spent the day relaxing (we needed it after the previous day’s adventure) and playing cards, and relaxing some more.
To be continued… Part Three coming soon!